One of the reasons I chose to make this a daily blog was because my creative thoughts throughout the day would spur a conversation in my head. 🧠
The first question usually goes: I wonder if there is evidence or statistics related to XYZ? The next would be: How does that work? I've always been curious. Henry turned to me last night and said, 'Daddy, what is curiosity?' No joke. It was a key character trait for the main (Emma Stone) of The Croods animated movie. Her father (Nicolas Cage) pointed the trait out as a flaw. I told Henry that I was very curious 🧐, and he asked what it meant. I quickly took the chance to say, "it means to explore ." It's really this 👇🏽
All this to say, today, I'm curious to test a new idea, and I want to use a self-designed tip and tool to see how it works for you, me, and anyone who would like to try it out.
It's called the Henry Habit Challenge -- I'm naming it after my oldest son because I can, and he helped me think of it. 😂
Try with your friends, try by yourself, or join me if you want. I'm going to put this in effect starting June 1, only a couple of weeks away. If you want to join me, reply here or text me at (212) 495-9962.
Here it is.
Step 1: Pick three small positive habits to start for a total of 14 days.
Each habit should fit into these guidelines.
Nothing cost more than $20 to start. If you want something that costs more than $20, then see the corresponding*
Collectively they take under one hour a day to complete.
You categorize them:
Level 1 - Hardest to accomplish
Level 2 - Moderate to accomplish
Level 3 - Easy to accomplish
You can do each one daily without any obstacles of time, money, rules, laws, and self-created boundaries.
Step 2: Pick three small negative habits to eliminate for a total of 14 days.
Each habit should fit into these guidelines.
*If you save money by eliminating these habits, then you can apply them towards the positive habit budget above
Collectively they can give you additional 30 minutes of sleep back in your day.
You categorize them:
Level 1 - Hardest to avoid
Level 2 - Moderate to avoid
Level 3 - Easy to avoid
You can eliminate each one daily without any obstacles of time, money, rules, laws, and self-created boundaries.
Step 3: Track the habits.
If you know me, you know I like to track things. But not too many things. 🤪
Tracking Playbook:
You have to see it in your home or at work every day. Think dry erase board. Computer dashboard. Calendar, notebook, or piece of paper on fridge or pinboard. I highly recommend the handwritten version. 📌
Set up to mark "yes" I accomplish/avoided or "no" I did not accomplish/avoid today. You could make it a 🟢 or a 🔴. Whatever works for you visually.
Set up a schedule to mark the habit each day.
You can see everything on one page or display—all 14 days, full habit description, and whether you ✅ or not.
Step 4: Added Bonuses.
Give yourself a carrot and a stick reward. 🥕 Better with a group, but still good on your own. For example, I can buy myself a nice dinner out at Obo Shokudo as a positive reward, and my deterrent can be a donation to the Corn Refiners Association (they back High Fructose Corn Syrup as a viable ingested resource to our culture). 👎🏽
Check-Ins. If you do this with a partner or a group, do a check-in format on each other. I like something like Marco Polo, Telegram, or just plain text. If you join me, we will use Polo. 😉
On your mark, get set, enjoy!
Can you give some examples?